Work-around for inconsistent double battle crash. Also includes a minor fix for item icons. This did involve a risky process of redirecting the type chart, so let me know if there are any issues with type interactions. Fixed type chart issues with stealth rock (thank you to u/chromarica for bringing this up).

Now the text has been put back, and you may adjust the framerate accordingly in the options menu. Hooray, fixed flavour / descriptive text issue when talking to your following Pokemon! Also, framerate unlock has been “fixed”-it has actually been in the game this whole time, but the text for the options screen was accidentally overwritten by Renegade text when I ported it over (thank you to u/Doofguy for pointing this out!). Not thoroughly tested, but I expect it to work. ( 5:30 PM EST) Added fixed Classic version patch at link. ( 12:40 PM EST) Changed link to V1.1, which fixes a crash when talking to Looker more than once in the Route 213 hotel. I thus took it upon myself to embark on this small integration project.

Your wishes have been granted! Ever since the release of the amazing Pokemon Following Platinum by Mikelan98 and AdAstra in November, there have been many people asking for an integration of the hack with the equally amazing Pokemon Renegade Platinum (Drayano) hack to produce “the perfect Gen IV experience.” It appeared that the creators of these two hacks were (and likely still are) preoccupied with other projects, and the integration process would be nontrivial and tedious.